Monday, July 1, 2024

USCG Auxiliary Diversity Moment - JULY 2024

USCG Auxiliary Diversity Moment

Diversity Officers, here’s an opportunity to start a discussion with your

unit at your next gathering, and doing so, fulfills Goal Category 1.3 in the

NACO 3-Star application.

Leadership, please consider adapting these ideas expressed in

leading out your units.


July 2024


Our Thread in that Rich Fabric



“In Europe, charters of liberty have been granted by power. America has set the example…of charters of power granted by liberty. This revolution in the practice of the world, may, with an honest praise, be pronounced the most triumphant epoch of its history..."

— James Madison


Patriotism is not just a word; it is the foundation upon which our nation exists. As Americans, we are not bound together simply by the lines on a map or the words of a constitution, but by the shared belief in the principles of freedom, equality, and justice. America is an idea; it always has been. The positive ideas and values that have overall defined our history guided the arc of our progress and inspired our people to achieve greatness for going on 248 years.


Patriotism is not confined to a battlefield. Patriotism is found in the everyday actions of ordinary citizens. Patriotism is the teacher who stays late to help a struggling student, the firefighter who rushes into a burning building, the Auxiliarist who volunteers weekends helping those in need. The totality of these acts, though seemingly small, collectively and continuously are what weave the fabric of our society. They remind us that patriotism is about service, commitment, and an unwavering belief in the potential of our nation.

This spirit of patriotism has driven us to overcome great challenges, from civil war to global conflicts, from economic depressions to social upheavals. Each time, we have emerged stronger, more resilient, and more united to successfully take on complex global threats, domestic divisions, and a rapidly changing social landscape. Nevertheless, we must remember that our strength lies in our unity and our shared values. Patriotism calls on us to set aside our differences, finds what unites us, so we can work together for the common good.

Patriotism is at the heart of America. Patriotism is the driving ethos behind our greatest achievements and the glue that holds us together in times of trial. If we continue to embrace it with the same fervor and dedication as those who went before us in serving our nation (like we do as Auxiliarists) we will continue to weave that glorious world epoch. The Auxiliary is proud to be but one thread in that American tapestry.



Michael Brown, BC-DUP Outreach (Diversity & Inclusion Directorate)




Submitted by:

Thomas W. Bamford, ANACO-DVd

Deputy Assistant National Commodore – D&I

U.S. Coast Guard Change Agent

U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary

U.S. Coast Guard Seventh District


“Enthusiasm, Encouragement, Empowerment”