Monday, December 30, 2024

USCG Auxiliary Diversity Moment - January 2025

USCG Auxiliary Diversity Moment


Diversity Officers, here is an opportunity to start a discussion with your unit at your next gathering or include this in your newsletters. Doing so will fulfill Goal Category 1.3 in the NACO 3-Star application. Leadership at all levels: Please consider adapting the ideas expressed here in leading yourselves, leading others, leading performance and change, and leading the

U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary.


January 2025


3-Star Culture, Core Values, & Community



“Every man’s ability may be strengthened or increased by culture” –John Abbot.



The National Commodore's 3-Star Award for Total Workforce Optimization Excellence is a serious recognition that encourages and rewards efforts used to foster diversity and inclusion to maximize our workforce’s potential. Aligning with the Coast Guard’s Core Values of Honor, Respect, and Devotion to Duty, the NACO 3-Star process serves as a powerful leadership tool. It gives emphasis to the concept that all members should be involved and become stakeholders in their unit. Working toward the NACO-3-Star organically promotes a culture where all members have improved morale and collaborations, leading to an overall positive Auxiliary experience.


Promoting inclusion makes the Coast Guard Auxiliary more appealing to a wider range of individuals. This helps attract and retain talented, committed members from all backgrounds, ensuring a strong and sustainable organization. Recruiting and retaining members is a critical objective in this era of declining membership, and it starts with nurturing and strengthening member abilities.


Pursuing the award often involves community outreach, educational initiatives, and partnerships with diverse organizations. These efforts strengthen ties with local maritime communities and enhance the Auxiliary’s visibility and reputation. How we relate respectfully to each other leads directly into how we interact with the communities we serve.


We all joined for different reasons, perhaps from a desire to fulfill a deeper sense of duty to our communities and to be a part of something bigger than ourselves. Now that we’re in, don’t let anything prevent us from strengthening our Auxiliary culture using honor and respect as the basis of our service.


Pursuing the National Commodore’s 3-Star Award is more than a pathway to just another recognition—it’s a commitment to building a more inclusive, stronger, and mission-ready Auxiliary culture. It benefits the entire Coast Guard and the communities we serve, ensuring our organization remains a vital part of the nation's maritime safety and security efforts.


Authored by - Michael Brown, D-Directorate



Submitted by:

Thomas W. Bamford, DIR-D

National Director – D&I

U.S. Coast Guard Change Agent

U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary

U.S. Coast Guard Seventh District


“Enthusiasm, Encouragement, Empowerment”