Wednesday, July 1, 2020

NACO 3 Star Award for Diversity End of Award 2020 Submssion Report

 Dear Shipmates,

Diversity and inclusion have been identified as a number one priority of the United States Coast Guard.  Diversity, inclusion, and equity are integral components of recruiting, retaining and re-engaging members.  It is also imperative for maintaining a ready and responsive organization that will assist in making us a formidable force relevant to our changing world.  

In support and recognition of diversity, inclusion, and equity, we encourage units to apply for the NACO 3 Star Award for Excellence in Diversity.
Flotillas and divisions are eligible for this award.  The application process began in January, 2020, and reflected activities completed in 2019.
The application deadline was June 30th. 

Attached is the end of June tracking document that lists all districts and their respective eligible units.  You can review the final data of your own district/units in relation to their award status for the last three years, as well as in relation to other districts.  This report is updated throughout the month and is sent to National staff, District Commodores and other relevant parties upon request and at the end of each month through the end of June.

Please share this report with your staff to ensure that it is accurate and that all units which have applied for the award are noted. 
Awards will be presented to the District Commodores at NACON.  (Please note that COVID may impact how and when awards will be presented.)   

Through May and into the first couple of weeks of June, we were far behind last year's pace of accepted units with 126.  
Then thanks to the efforts of many hard-working shipmates, we had an incredible month!

At the close of the submission process, fourteen of our sixteen districts surpassed last year's totals and collectively we skyrocketed past last year's record acceptances.  Even though two districts did not surpass last year's numbers (missing by only a few units), we can all collectively celebrate in the knowledge that every district representing all areas had applications that were received and accepted.  All districts should take great pride in our Auxiliary for making significant progress in this voluntary award that is a leadership tool used to evaluate a unit's diversity, inclusion and equity status.

358 units, (representing 37% of the Auxiliary) received the award!  
141 of those units (representing 14.5% of the Auxiliary) were brand new submissions!

At the end of January, we had 14 applications that had been received and approved. 
At the end of February, we had an additional 13 applications that were received and approved for a total of 27.
At the end of March, we had an additional 14 applications that were received and approved for a total of 41.
At the end of April we had an additional 30 applications that were received and approved for a total of 71
At the end of May, we had an additional 55 applications that were received and approved for a total of 126. 
At the end of June, we had an additional 232 applications that were received and approved for a total of 358!

These statistics reflect the Auxiliary's proactive efforts in addressing pertinent social matters related to diversity, inclusion, and equity as well as being ready, relevant, and responsive.  In addition to the 3 Star Award for Diversity, the active duty has also involved our Auxiliary in their Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan and their Diversity and Inclusion Action and Implementation plans.  Attached also is the Diversity and Inclusion Total Workforce Glossy that our Auxiliary had significant input in developing.  This will be distributed across the Nation to all active duty units and includes quotes from our Auxiliarists.  

None of this would be possible without the outstanding leadership, support and efforts of everyone involved.  
As such, I'd like to extend my personal and professional thanks and a huge Bravo Zulu to our leadership and all the members who went above and beyond the call of duty in promoting and helping their shipmates apply for this prestigious award.

Should you have any questions or find any errors, please contact me at:

Wishing everyone fair winds and following seas.


Tracy Schultz, Ph.D.

COMO David G. Porter
Asst. National Commodore
National Diversity Team
US Coast Guard Auxiliary