Monday, June 3, 2024

USCG Auxiliary Diversity Moment...June 2024...T.W.O. is One

USCG Auxiliary Diversity Moment

Diversity Officers, here’s an opportunity to start a discussion with your unit at your next gathering. Doing this will fulfill Goal Category 1.3 in the NACO 3-Star application. Leadership, please consider adapting the ideas expressed here in leading your units.

June 2024


T.W.O. is One



“Unity is our strength, unity of purpose, that is.                                                                                 Diversity comes into play through our abilities and perspectives.”                                                                                                                                           ~Nick Freitas


“Total Workforce Optimization” is a natural outgrowth of diversity as it has been characterized in recent years. Let’s briefly explore how diversity is different than total workforce optimization, the new focus and terminology of our Coast Guard commandant and this directorate.


"Diversity" has typically emphasized the variety of identities and backgrounds represented within a group or organization, often focusing on things such as race, gender, age, disability, etc. It emphasizes the importance of inclusivity and representation. These are worthy goals, however, "total workforce optimization" encompasses an extended broader perspective that includes diversity and inclusivity but goes further. It involves maximizing the effectiveness, productivity, and potential of the entire team, which includes individuals’ talents, experiences, and perspectives.

When all involved are aware of these important qualities and incorporate them into a team’s overall strategy, the end results are going to be more productive and satisfactory. Leadership should promote this approach and adapt the process to best fit their unit and the goal or goals desired. In this way, we maximize the effectiveness and potential of our entire workforce by enhancing the performance and capabilities of every individual within the Auxiliary.


We must always look to what unites us (aside from our membership in the Auxiliary) and then leverage that diversity of thought and perspective to move our collective work forward. “Total Workforce Optimization” is not just another mission statement or slogan. It is a real and meaningful change to enhance and progress our missions. This self-investment will make the Auxiliary more effective and innovative – in addition to improving the morale of our membership.


Michael Brown, BC-DUP Outreach (Diversity & Inclusion Directorate)



Submitted by:

Thomas W. Bamford, ANACO-DVd

Deputy Assistant National Commodore – D&I

U.S. Coast Guard Change Agent

U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary

U.S. Coast Guard Seventh District


“Enthusiasm, Encouragement, Empowerment”